Looking for low-cost office party ideas? Comedian Larry Weaver has expert
advice, funny office awards and printable certificates in his newly updated book
"Funny Employee Awards: Your Complete Guide to Organizing a Humorous,
Entertaining, and Rewarding Recognition Ceremony."
DURHAM, NC, USA - Company Christmas parties are coming and businesses are looking for office
party ideas to fit their budget. Comedian Larry Weaver reveals how to plan a fun
and entertaining corporate event in the Third Edition of his book "Funny
Employee Awards: Your Complete Guide to Organizing a Humorous, Entertaining, and
Rewarding Recognition Ceremony."
"Giving out funny office awards can be part entertainment, part morale
booster at your holiday party. It gives employees a chance to get to know each
other better, and it keeps the mood light. My book is full of gag awards and fun
ideas for businesses to make the most of their holiday party," says Weaver.
Funny certificates can bring laughter long after the company office party
ends. Just don’t take your inspiration from The Dundies that Michael Scott
handed out on NBC's The Office. His selection ranged from boring (Pam won the
"Whitest Sneakers Award") to the inappropriate (Kevin took home the "Don't Go in
There After Me Award").
For work settings, Weaver recommends creating funny awards for employees that
focus on humorous situations common to the workplace. Avoid references to
personal appearance or character traits that could potentially embarrass the
Anyone who's tried to create their own funny awards knows that coming up with
ideas is the toughest part. Weaver enlisted an A-list team of professional
comedians and comedy writers to help, including an Emmy-nominated writer from
Saturday Night Live and an editor from the New York Post. With their ideas
anyone can put on a successful awards ceremony.
A few example funny award ideas include:
- Bermuda Triangle Award - for the desk where things go in but never come out
- Running with the Bulls Award - for the biggest risk taker
- Room Service Award -
for showing up sometime before lunch
- Houdini Award - for being able to escape
from any bind
- Loch Ness Award - for least likely to be found
Most of the awards "poke light fun." Weaver encourages companies to only give
those awards to employees with a sense of humor. For more sensitive types, the
book contains a selection of "job well done" awards that range from
congratulatory to silly.
The awards reference pop culture, world history, classic literature,
children's characters, and more. There are humorous awards for teamwork,
leadership, appreciation, achievement and excellence.
Weaver's book gives tips on how to organize a corporate event to show
gratitude and motivate employees. There are 101 professionally designed and
funny award certificates that can be printed, framed, and presented plus 6
awards template for creating your own employee awards.
About Larry Weaver:
Larry Weaver is a professional comedian and creator of
the Funny Office Awards Show: the company party where your employees are the
stars. With nearly 20 years as both a corporate comedian and office worker,
Larry brings a unique and refreshing perspective to workplace humor. His Funny
Awards blog has free funny award ideas and stories from successful office
parties around the world.
To see samples of funny office awards or to order the certificates, visit