Wednesday, November 11, 2009

UK Christmas Work Parties Canceled

Last year's trend of UK Companies Canceling Christmas Parties has continued into this year. A recent BBC news story reported that as many as one in five companies in the United Kingdom are canceling their annual bash as a cost-cutting measure. British workers across the UK immediately fired back launching a campaign to "Save the Office Party".

PR company Big Wednesday seized the opportunity to produce a YouTube video in hopes of bringing attention to the plight of office workers. "The video is a piece of festive fun to be passed around the office and encourage bosses to give their staff a little thank you for working so hard during such a difficult year. There are some good deals to be taken advantage of out there; it doesn't have to be expensive."

Lyrics (set to the tune of "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas")
"I’m dreaming of an office party
Just like the ones I used to know.
Where the PAs glisten,
And our boss listens
To everything he needs to know."
"I’m dreaming of an office party
With every document I write.
May your parties be merry and bright,
And may your bosses be generous not tight."

We couldn't agree more. Don't cancel the UK Christmas work party. Instead, use these Money-Saving Ideas for Company Christmas Parties.

If you're planning a company Christmas party, get creative. Have fun. Pass out these funny certificates to your coworkers. Just do something to show your workers that you care.

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