Monday, November 30, 2009

Certificate of Appreciation Templates

Searching for quick and easy certificate of appreciation templates? We offer certificates of appreciation in PDF format. Unlike Microsoft Word certificate templates, our templates are pre-designed and offer limited ability to change their look and feel. But the advantage is that it's super-quick and easy to do.
Available in PDF format, "Funny Employee Awards: Your Complete Guide to Organizing a Humorous, Entertaining, and Rewarding Recognition Ceremony" contains 101 Printable Funny Award Certificates, such as the awards pictured below:

Job Well Done Awards
Download "The Raisin Award" certificates of appreciation for free.

Appreciation Certificates

The PDF also contains 6 Awards Templates for making up your own Funny Awards. The templates are really just blank versions of the awards pictured above. So imagine the second example without the wording "Baby Bottom's Award" and "For Smoothest in Times of Crisis". The templates include:
• Appreciation Award Template
• Excellence Award Template
• Leadership Award Template
• Recognition Award Template
• Teamwork Award Template
• Achievement Award Template

Again, these are not Microsoft Word templates. You can not change the design or colors of the awards. You can not change the fonts using the Free edition of Adobe Reader (but you can change the fonts and save changes with Adobe Acrobat). The best way to understand the template is to try it out for yourself:
Free SampleCertificate of Appreciation Example

Be sure to download the free sample certificate of appreciation to make sure the PDF is right for you before making a purchase.

Funny Employee Awards: Your Complete Guide to Organizing a Humorous, Entertaining, and Rewarding Recognition Ceremony

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